Stupid White Men
Author: Michael Moore
Year of publication: 2001
Plot summary: Moore tackles the U.S. of A and the many political and economical issues he sees.
Even though this book was highly entertaining, as usual when it comes to Moore, I was a little disappointed that he seemed to be repeating himself on many points. I realise I've done this in reverse, and watched his later movies before reading this book, but that would only mean he repeated himself in the movies. But you can't deny that he shoots off a lot of new ammunition as well, and as I've said before: critical as you may be when it comes to Michael Moore, what can you say when he bombards you with facts and statistics?
Some "jokes" I had trouble understanding because of lack of insight into American politics, but the major part is amusing to anyone who has read a newspaper on a weekly basis. So even though I think everyone should read it, I don't think everyone will enjoy it.