Relato de un náufrago

Author: Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Year of publication: 1970
Plot summary: Eight men fall overboard from the ship Caldas. Only one survives the waves, and has to spend ten days on a raft before finding his rescue.

Despite the fact that hardly anything actually happens during 90 % of the book, this is one of the most engaging and captivating stories I've ever read. The psychological reactions and reflections of the main character are fascinating, and that combined with quite a modest page count made me finish this in less than a week. And to top it off, the story is based on an actual event, the story is told in first person, and the narrator actually experienced the things he tells us. Marquez was awarded the Nobel Prize for this, so I'm sure it's translated to every language possible, so you have no excuse for not reading this! Go do it! Now!


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